marți, februarie 26, 2008

hardest firsts

prima gura de aer,primul tipat,primul supt,primul cuvant,primul pas,prima zi de gradinita,primul best friend,prima zi de scoala,primul copiat,prima nota de 1 pentru copiat,prima tigara(insotita sau nu de prima bere),primul cd piratat,prima zi de liceu,prima masturbare,primul boyfriend/prima girlfriend,prima intalnire,primul sarut,prima despartire,primul cd cu muzica de vindecare,prima zi de scoala de soferi,primul stalp luat(poate coincide cu prima zi de scoala de soferi),prima iubire(poate coincide cu primul boyfriend/prima girlfriend..sau nu),primul contact sexual(l-am pus dupa prima iubire in ideea ca o faci cu cel/cea pe care il/o iubesti),prima zi de faculta,primul joint,primul job,primul salar,prima sotie/primul sot,primul copil,prima amanta/primul amant,primul divort,primul copil cu al doilea sot/a doua sotie,prima concediere(care poate sa urmeze exact dupa primul job..sau nu),prima pensie,prima proteza,primul cosciug.
culmea e ca dupa toate astea,totul nu devine mult mai usor.
fara nici o legatura cu subiectul,mi-am adus aminte de block party.

vineri, februarie 22, 2008

deci da

nu inteleg de ce mai trebuie sa vin la scoala...sincer,ma nu intelegeti acum ca nu mai vreau sa fiu invatacel dar cand vii la liceu si nu faci absolut nimic!! and i mean absolutely nothing! zau ca te apuca toti dracii(cel putin pe mine stiu sigur ca ma apuca).
si culmea e ca se pun absente!dap,adica tre sa vii,sa te plictisesti de moarte...sau sa inveti(which is highly unlikely,in galagia din juru-ti) sau sa te scobeshti in nas(sau alte mandre orificii).as putea prea bine sa ma apuc de dorsal si sa sar in jos,ca in sus nu pot fiindca am rau de inaltime.sau sa scriu la blog.dar cum am alte lucruri mai importante de facut(or aparut noi jocuri pe miniclip :D) i'll just leave it to that
later edit(am vazut ca sunt la moda revenirile) sunt de asta-vara fan alexandrina si m-am gandit ca ar fi timpul sa va zic si voua :) enjoy..

marți, februarie 19, 2008

i want something good to die for,to make it beautiful to live

constat ca din ce in ce mai des vaz oameni foarte incrancenati si hotarati de-a binelea sa fie suparati.daca sunt ei suparati,trebuie sa aiba si o se intampla chestii naspa(go figure!numai tie ti se intampla draga!).asa ca dau vina pe viata,Dumnezeu,sotie,soacra, caine, vreme,relief,presedinte,lelea catrina de la 4,etc.ok,inteleg ca trebuie sa ai un tap ispasitor pentru tot ce ti se intampla aiurea in viata dar ti-a trecut vreodata prin cap-tie care te tii batos si-ti tii bostanul pe gat numai ca sa nu te ploo pe amigdale,cu umerii mici si adusi inainte de cantitatea imensa de prostie ce-o porti cu stoicism si vadita mandrie in spate-ca s-ar putea sa ai si tu oarece vina ca ti-ai busit masina de primul stalp sau ca ti-a murit pisica fiindca nu i-ai dat sa mance, fiindca te-a lasat nevasta din cauza ca esti un idiot cu scula mica sau pentru ca ti-ai pierdut slujba de "meteo girl"pentru ca habar n-ai unde-i Timisoara pe harta Romaniei?si pe langa faptul ca ai tot timpul pe moaca tampa o umbra de tristete si dezolare de-a dreptul suparatoare..te mai trezesti ca stii sa formezi fraze aproape coerente cu putinele cuvinte pe care le ai in vocabular.deci,trebuie sa vorbesti despre necazurile pe care le ai.mi se pare logic,era si cazul sa ma anunti cat de nefericit esti si ca viata e foarte nedreapta cu tine,dar numai cu ce ti se intampla tie toate,jizaz!!?!?!
da,imi pasa.chiar foarte mult.imi pasa ca nu te simti bine si inteleg ca trebuie sa mi te plangi constant si mereu pe aceeasi tema.sunt uimita cum de am rabdare sa te mai ascult,cand tot ce as vrea sa fac este sa-ti infig un dop in melita aia care nu se mai opreste naibii.
sunt frustrata, ma plang,ooooh un motiv anume acela ca atunci cand nu am eu chef sau am avut o zi de rahat (turcesc) se trezeste lumea sa-mi povesteasca mie cat de groaznica e viata lor.culmea e ca,spre deosebire de altii,nu ma incanta cu nimic sa stiu ca altii se simt mai aiurea.deci trebuia sa in sfarsit am gasit utilitatea acestui mandru in plus,pot sa-mi insotesc "iesirile incontrolabile" de piese motivationale si pline de inspiratiune.

motto: this too shall pass

joi, februarie 14, 2008

as we explode

life is the most valuable thing i believe anyone can possess.the deal is that facing all sort of experiences in life,we tend to forget that this is it! and nothing is worth enough to make us hate this wonderful limited time we have to spend together in a (sometimes crappy) society.
we cannot choose where to be born or in which family.there are some things that have been predefined and with which we have to deal.
i realised (a bit later than i thought) that life truly gives you meaning and you can choose to give meaning to your life.i don't think anyone wants to live a miserable life,in hunger beyond limits or excruciating pain.
the conclusion we can draw from this interesting aspect is that everyone wants to live a good life (good meaning normal,not necessarily luxurious).

ok,we have a we need the means to reach our can either be good,listen to your parents,go to school,get good grades,get a good job,find a wife(not cheat her,if possible),start a family,get bored with such happiness and die peaceful around 60(you got hit by a bus,while crossing the street according regulations).
the alternative would be to be the greatest fighter in the block by 10,hate your parents and repeat that to them on a regular basis(daily),hate school and on the rare occasions you decide to go there you must tell your teachers you hate them,find a good job(as a dealer or thief or don-as in don corleone-or politician),meet the woman of your life while she was in a coma,have a few brats that will thoroughly follow your steps,live happily(when you're not in jail) and die around 80 due to a stroke.
i don't want you to understand that these 2 options are the only ones or that they would be 100% true.i've been looking around,left-right,lefter-righter,and observed all the above.

as i was saying,life is great for everyone,if you know how to enjoy it.i reckon this could be done by being happy with yourself,accepting that the others are different(and happy with themselves),keeping a positive attitude no matter what("M-au ciuruit,un fleac!"-alt exemplu nu mi-a venit in minte,mi scuzi) and love the one who loves you back.
the meaning of this post is for me to exercise my English,for you(those who don't know English) to stare with a blank expression and then click X and for those who know English,to exercise their reading and find out interesting shit about life.(ignore the last reason,i wish it were like this).
in the past few weeks i've been busy.meaning i had to make my heart ache(phisicaly,dunno how i managed to do that,but i'm damn good since the pain is still bugging me/and it has nothing to do with love issues).i went to cluj and saw my and drank a lot and smoked a lot and had fun.yesterday,i rediscovered switchfoot and it feels damn good.

i won't wish you a happy valentine's,i know that you'll have one(or not :P ) even if i don't.